
Brain Health series: Part 1 – What’s good for the heart, is good for the brain

Maintaining brain, and cognitive health is one of our primary concerns that my clients mention about their future health. Fortunately, research has revealed a powerful truth in health science: the same lifestyle factors that keep your heart healthy also protect your...

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Men's Health Class Stretching Circle
iNform Men’s Health Class
iNform Men’s Health Class

Welcome to iNform’s Men’s Health Group Training Program. Facilitated by Senior iNform Exercise Physiologist, Scott Wood (me!), in this class you can expect; no jacked-up gym bros peacocking around; no ego-stroking leaderboards; no wannabe drill-sergeants yelling...

Steve Davis from the Adelaide Show Podcast takes Max Martin to find people wanting to do exercise physiology in Magill
Steve Davis from the Adelaide Show Podcast takes Max Martin to find people wanting to do exercise physiology in Magill

At the top of Magill Road, iNform Health and Fitness Solutions is now well established, so the team is looking to invite a few more clients to choose the Magill Road studio as their base for exercise physiology in Magill. To that end, Steve Davis from The Adelaide...

Steve Davis from the Adelaide Show Podcast takes Max Martin to find people wanting to do exercise physiology in Unley
Steve Davis from the Adelaide Show Podcast takes Max Martin to find people wanting to do exercise physiology in Unley

With iNform Health and Fitness Solutions Malvern now well established, the team is looking to invite a few more clients to choose the Unley Road studio as their base for exercise physiology in Unley. To that end, Steve Davis from The Adelaide Show Podcast dropped...

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