Health Conditions

7 Surprising Benefits of Exercise for Menopause

Published by
Chloe Walker


Every single woman on the planet will experience it during their 45 – 55’s. If you asked two different women, they’d tell you two different versions of what menopause was like. That’s because although the symptoms are common, not everyone experiences menopause in the same way….

Not to worry though, there is something you can do to help manage your symptoms and help you through this change in your life.

The 7 Benefits of Exercise for Menopause!

Exercise has been shown to provide several health benefits whilst you are going through menopause. Exercise can…

1. Help Manage Symptoms! (Woohoo!)

Exercise can actually help to manage and reduce some of the symptoms of menopause such as; aches and pains, loss of libido, and fatigue. Increasing physical activity will result in a positive cycle of feeling better, which will increase motivation to exercise, making you feel better, and so on. You’ll end up feeling better on the inside and out!

2. Boost your Mood!

Women going through menopause commonly struggle with mood changes, anxiety, depression, and stress due to the hormonal changes within their bodies. However, exercise can increase positive mood and also protect against anxiety and depression.

3. Prevent Weight Gain!

Due to changes in hormone levels during menopause women may find they gain weight more easily than before (especially around the belly). Exercise and healthy eating is a great way to reduce weight and prevent any extra kilo’s creeping on.

4. Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Disease!

Oestrogen plays a protective mechanism against cardiovascular disease. During menopause, oestrogen is reduced which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Incorporating exercise into your daily routine can strengthen your heart and reduce risk of heart disease

5. Reduce Risk of Osteoporosis!

Oestrogen also plays an important role in maintaining bone density. The reduced oestrogen production during menopause can lead to decreased bone density, and thus increase the risk of osteoporosis. Exercise can strengthen bones and muscles, and improve balance reducing the risk of fractures due to falls.

6. Reduce Risk of Diabetes!

Changes in hormone levels during menopause can also affect the way your body reacts to insulin, potentially leading to diabetes. Exercise helps the body respond to insulin and remove excess blood sugars reducing the risk of developing diabetes.

7. Help Maintain Physical Function!

As our bodies age they start to decline in physical function (loss of muscle, loss of bone, decrease in balance, etc). Exercise is the perfect way to keep up your function and ability to continue to live the life you love. (And run around after your energetic little grandchildren!)

Awesome right?! You don’t have to just deal with this change you’re going through… There is something YOU can do to help yourself through it! 

General Exercise Guidelines

150 mins of moderate exercise a week (or 30 mins a day over 5 days)


75 mins of vigorous activity a week


2-3x strength training days a week (non-consecutive days)

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Chloe Walker

Chloe graduated from UniSA with a bachelor of Exercise Physiology (with Honours) in 2020. She has 3 years experience working with people in the health and fitness space, and has a fond interest in helping people to reach their health potentials. You’ll find Chloe working at both our Norwood and Magill locations.

Published by
Chloe Walker

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